Installation & Execution of the Sample Application- Rte2Tep

The sample call processing application provided is Rte2Tep. To install Rte2Tep, copy the archive provided into this directory and extract its contents:


. Included in the archive are all of the source files and a makefile that can be used to build Rte2Tep. The binary file has also been included, so that building Rte2Tep will not be necessary unless modifications to the source are desired.


The command to start the sample application is:

nohup ./rte2tep -g <TEP group> -i <appID> -c <callID range> -l <level> -p <level> -t <inboundgrp> -o <outboundgrp>



-g The name of the group to which the sample application sends incoming call IAMs. Each TEP in the group receives IAMs from the sample app.

-i App ID to associate with this instance of the sample app.

-c The range for the call IDs used to uniquely identify a call in a TEP.

-l Logging level for writing logs to disk, values 0 to 3, with 3 being most verbose

-p Logging level for printing logging information to screen, values 0 to 3, with 3 being most verbose

-t Name of the trunk group that the sample app will monitor for incoming calls.

-o Name of the trunk group that that the sample app will monitor for outbound calls during a transfer.


Sample Command Line

A sample command line might look like:

nohup ./rte2tep -g XL-TEP100 -i 299 -l 3 CPAPP_GROUP1 -t inbound299 -o outbound299 >/dev/null 2>&1 &